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Ready to engineer with ingenuity
for a warming world?

We’re not standing down from the climate crisis at Tractebel. Join us to stand up with bold, game-changing solutions for a world in transition.

Climate change is a crisis unlike any other humanity has ever faced. We’re seeking talent to accelerate carbon-neutral transitions across diverse environments and engineering sectors. You’ll mitigate the impact of climate change in adaptative engineering projects that save energy and water all while reducing pollution and waste. Projects that enhance social inclusion and improve quality of life in communities.


It’s your opportunity to engineer solutions to help meet the UN Sustainability Goals, Paris Climate Agreement and EU Green Deal. To make countries and communities – maybe even your own – more resilient and sustainable in a warming world with increasingly scarce resources. All alongside experts who will inspire and motivate you with relentless resolve and ingenuity.


Oriane, environmental engineer, tells us about her positive impact​

Let’s meet Oriane, one of our imaginative experts who makes the world more resilient, livable, energized and ultimately more sustainable.

Impact a diverse sector

We're seeking imaginative experts with all sorts of skills, experiences and backgrounds to engineer their positive impact in this diverse sector with various projects.

Expertise in demand

    • Flood Protection

      Join Tractebel to safeguard communities from rising flood risk in a warming and rapidly urbanising world. Bring bold solutions to life that protect and enhance community life and the natural environment. It’s your chance to engineer your positive impact.  

      We’re seeking imaginative experts to help us re-think flood risk, working with natural processes to make communities more resilient and sustainable. To embrace new technology from drones to remote sensors in game-changing projects that are setting new standards in flood protection.

    • Water Resources Management

      Water. It’s the planet’s most plentiful resource, essential to all life. With Tractebel you’ll engineer solutions to manage and preserve it. It’s your opportunity to engineer a positive impact on the water resources we all depend on – ensuring safe and responsible stewardship in countries and communities worldwide.

      Our teams are amongst the most innovative in the industry, applying their expertise and imagination to engineer solutions with generational impact. We’re seeking experts who share this spirit as well as the practical management skills to deliver results in complex environments.

    • Water Supply and Sanitation

      The world’s rapidly growing and urbanising population is straining water resources like never before. At Tractebel, you’ll engineer solutions to efficiently deliver clean, safe water to countries and communities around the world. Solutions to responsibly and sustainably dispose of waste in ways that enhance public health and community life.  

      The nature of this challenge requires multidisciplinary teams with technical, economic, social and environmental expertise. We’re seeking experts who can thrive in this diversity and add their unique experience to the mix.

    • Environmental & social impact assessment

      Engineer your positive environmental and social impact with Tractebel. It’s your chance to conduct assessments that contribute to a more sustainable world — ecologically, socio-culturally and economically. We’re seeking proactive and imaginative experts to help us grow this vital service that cuts across our global business.

      By joining Tractebel, you’ll work in multidisciplinary teams with technical, environmental and social specialists from around the world. Learn and grow alongside experts with decades of experience on how to successfully engage stakeholders in projects under the spotlight. Benefit from their expertise in digital twins and other state-of-the-art technology that can boost your positive impact.

      apply for environmental & social impact assessment jobs at Tractebel
    • Acoustic & vibration

      Urbanisation and industrialisation produce sounds and vibrations that can undermine public health and safety. Join Tractebel to engineer solutions that make structures and communities safer and more resilient in a rapidly changing world. It’s your chance to engineer your positive impact.

      Join a multidisciplinary team with access to state-of-the-art technology and a sound approach that’s continuously tested on a global scale. From conducting simulations and construction control to economic and sustainability studies, we’re seeking talent with a broad range of expertise.

    • Urban resilience

      At Tractebel, we’re re-engineering cities to become more resilient in a warming and rapidly urbanising world. Join us to engineer solutions that enable cities to adapt and prosper regardless of the stresses and shocks they encounter. It’s your chance to engineer your positive impact – resiliently – and contribute to the smart cities of the future.

      We’re seeking talent with diverse expertise from climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction to integrated planning and inclusive governance. With Tractebel, you’ll become part of an innovation culture that never stops challenging convention in the search for solutions.

      Apply for micro-grids jobs at Tractebel
    • Soil remediation

      Engineer your positive impact on the soils that influence the health, vitality and prosperity of communities. It’s your chance to engineer game-changing solutions for restoration and reuse. To turn industrial waste zones into areas of natural beauty that support biodiversity and revitalise communities.

      We’re seeking talent with the expertise and imagination to accelerate our positive impact on soils around the world. Join a multidisciplinary team using state-of-the-art technology to pioneer solutions to some of the most complex challenges in soil remediation today.

    • Waste management

      In a warming world with increasingly scarce resources, we engineer solutions to reduce waste and emissions whilst maximising resource use. Our innovative solutions turn waste into new resources that can contribute to the circular economy. We’re seeking imaginative experts to join us on the journey. It’s your chance to engineer your positive impact.

      We’re seeking talent to fuel our multidisciplinary teams with expertise ranging from waste treatment and recycling to environmental studies and regulatory compliance. Waste-to-energy engineering is an especially exciting growth area in our global business.

    Luca Pizzimbone Testimonial

    Tractebel gives me the opportunity to work in international projects, where engineering and research skills can be joined to provide sustainable solutions for developing countries.

    Luca Pizzimbone
    Power System Engineer, Germany


    It's satisfying when we see the results of our work. Having a positive impact on people’s quality of life gives all the meaning to our work

    Eileen Spencer
    Project engineer Transport Infrastructure, Chile


    I am inspired everyday by working with world-class experts in hydropower and I enjoy working with people from different generations who share the passion of evolving toward sustainable and carbon-neutral future.

    Pratoomkhuan Saritanon
    VP-Water, Thailand


    Every day I learn something new from world-class experts in renewable energy. From electrical and mechanical engineers to process experts.

    Florian Bertin
    Green Fuels Engineer, Belgium

    Find out more about available positions at Tractebel and launch your career with us!